Friday, November 16, 2012

Simple Gifts

Our fifth graders are learning about the Shakers - a religious group which had a settlement right near us in Colonie.  They believed in all things simple.  Their tune "Simple Gifts" is the basis for Aaron Copland's piece title, "Appalachian Spring" which we listened to last week.

This week we are singing the original tune and dancing it the way the Shakers would have!  We will also be playing with (and eating!) M&Ms and Skittles as we discuss the way Copland used "Simple Gifts" as the basis for his theme and variations style of composition.  The children will start by choosing a theme for their design - a shape, letter, picture....whatever!  Then, with each new variation they hear in the music they will change it only slightly to form a variation of their original.  Here are some pictures from last year's lesson:

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Veterans' Day Celebration

Mrs. Wedeman, Mr. Smith, Mr. Atwell, Mr. Barrett
Wow!  What a night last Wednesday was!  We had such a great evening honoring our Veterans.  We sang songs, had a Veteran speak about his participation in the Battle of the Bulge, and had our Town Supervisor speak.  We had a Wall of Honor with pictures of our beloved Veterans (thanks to a Music K8 poster for that idea!):
It was a fabulous night!!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Wow!  The school year has begun with a bang and, honestly, I haven't been able to keep up!  Still trying how to set up my icloud accounts so I can share pictures and videos as easily as possible.  Will post soon!  (Hopefully.)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Two weeks?

Only two weeks until school starts? Are you kidding me? Not ready!

I am done with my major project for the summer, though, and that makes me SUPER happy. I have ripped my 300+ CDs and am ready to go completely digital this year. I highly recommend the audio converter at to do any conversions you might need.

All of my lesson plans will be done in Powerpoint this year with all my links to files kept right within the program. All I'll need to do is click on my IWB to run everything. Now I just need to learn how to control everything from my new iPad and then I'll be really happy!!!

I'll be heading in today to re-do my room with some of the fabulous ideas I've found on Pinterest this summer. Can't wait! Will post pictures later...

Monday, July 2, 2012

Stopped in briefly at school this morning....summer camp has taken over the music room!

Spent Lily's nap this afternoon ripping in grade one CD's.  My goal by the end of the summer is to have all of CDs (over 300 of them!) ripped into digital formats.  That way I can have everything at my fingertips (well, the tip of my Promethean pen on my whiteboard!)  No more waiting for CDs to spin around and start playing!  I can't wait.  But, this is a pretty boring, tedious process...

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Today we enjoyed the air conditioning!!!  Many classes played with our ribbon streamers to "Galop" by Kabalevsky.  The kids really enjoyed it.

Mrs. Moore's and Miss Vasilakos' students had their "show and tell" this morning.  They performed "Chinese New Year" with Orff instruments, did a stretchy band routine to Bizet, played their favorite recorder pieces, and played "Whacky Spring Fever" on their boomwhackers. Great job, kids!

Tomorrow is a half day and we are done!  I'll be updating this summer with all new ideas for the fall.  HAVE A GREAT SUMMER!!!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Here we go!

Well, it's a day and a half away from the end of school and what am I doing?  Updating my links on my website and finally diving into the world of blogging.  I've always LOVED writing, so I'm hoping this is yet another way of keeping my students and their parents informed with what's going on at Orenda!

There are two more in-class performances left our third grades tomorrow.  I'm really looking forward to it.  The first three classes had a great time showcasing for their parents what we do in the music classroom.

I'm also looking forward to seeing those busses off the busport on Thursday at 11:30!  It's been a great year but it's time for Mrs. W to take "a long summer's nap."  Ha ha!